For my books it's hero. So does have that one extra guy make it easier or harder to get emotionally involved in the story? For me the answer is no. I see more of the hero. Not just how he is with the heroine but how he is with his friend. Often men will act one way with their significant other and one way around the boys. When a hero can capture me and hold onto my heart while dealing with both situations then I'm hooked.
In Making Mischief my new menage...the heroes are brothers. They both love the same woman, who is a handful let me tell ya. But the interact with each other in a way that endears them to me. Both show their brotherly love by showing the sacrifices they are willing to make to ensure their siblings happiness. Being a giver...and one of four children this is important to me. And also helps me empathize with them.
I would love to hear about what helps or hurts you become emotionally involved in a story when we're talking menage.
The heat, the romantic connection. There has to be a connection between the characters, even in a story with plenty of sex. Do they understand each other, appreciate each other, want more than tonight.
One thing that helps is that the men take care of the woman in involved and put her on a pedastal. It always seems so unrealistic but it's what I look for. The romantic connection
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